Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Does RSS Stand For and What is RSS?

RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication'. This involves republishing articles that are on another blog or website. It is an excellent way to notify others of updates to a web site or blog. RSS feeds sometimes show a post title and link back to the post. You simply select the title, click the link and are sent to the web page containing the article you want to view.

This is an excellent alternative to email. Spamming is avoided and you receive the latest updates from sources you have subscribed to. This cuts down on the amount of time you have to surf the net searching for information. The information is delivered to you instead.

If you work online, or have an online business, RSS feed are an excellent tool to help market your products or services. There is no need to risk being accused of sending spam emails because of the way people subscribe to RSS feeds. The fact that people subscribe to RSS feeds also means they are highly targeted visitors, who are interested in what your blog or web site offers. Each time your blog or website gets updates, subscribers are sent this update.

To get more information and different opinions, its a good idea to subscribe to a number of RSS feeds from different sources for a particular topic, This can give a better idea of what the current developments are for a particular area of interest. RSS feed technology was not initially developed as a marketing tool, but it is now being used as an effective and efficient way to attract and communicate with online visitors.

To your success,

Shane Connolly

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