Sunday, November 16, 2008

How to Increase Your RSS Subscribers

Every blog needs readers to remain profitable. You need people laying eyes on your blog to make sales. Many bloggers are overlooking a very important component in becoming profitable. RSS subscribers. Learning how to increase your RSS subscribers is a skill that every blogger needs to learn.

It's no secret that a lot of blog readers prefer to read your blog through RSS. These readers may never see your blog but crafty bloggers know how to make RSS subscribers come to their blog. So don't ignore RSS subscribers, they can be the difference between a profitable blog and a ho-hum blog.

Here are 7 tricks to increase your RSS subscribers.

  1. Start a contest for RSS Subscribers only. Many bloggers have used this technique very successfully. People will want to take part in the contest and sign up so they can participate.
  2. Publish RSS Subscriber only post. Other bloggers have used the this baiting technique to get people to sign up to their RSS feeds. All you do is every once in a while, publish a list or a list of tips only to your RSS subscribers. Make sure you post about these "special tips" to your regular readers on your blog. This will make them sign up so they don't miss out on the special tips.
  3. Submit your RSS feed to RSS directories. There are many RSS directories out there. You need to submit your RSS feed to each of them. To find them, just go to Google and type in 'list of RSS directories'. It will be time consuming, but well worth it!
  4. Use those RSS Subscription icons. Yes, they do help! These icons make it very easy for readers to your blog to sign up under their favorite RSS reader. If you make your readers work to get signed up to your RSS feed, many won't go to the trouble.
  5. Publish your feed count. If you have over one hundred RSS subscribers, show the feed count. Other bloggers seeing that other people have signed up to your feed feel that they should also. It's a funny thing, the more RSS subscribers you have, the easier it is to get them.
  6. Use Full RSS feeds. If you make your RSS subscribers click on a "more" link to finish reading your blog post, many will unsubscribe. Make it easy for them to read your entire blog post by publishing full RSS feeds.
  7. Use FeedBurner and sign up email subscribers. I use FeedBurner so that my readers can sign up with their email. Some just prefer to read the post in their email, so I make it easy for them. It only takes a second to put a sign up form on your blog.

RSS subscribers are a very profitable part of any blog. Learn how to increase your RSS subscribers and watch your profits go up. Failing to take advantage of RSS subscribers is like leaving money on the table, a lot of money!

Don runs the blog AffiliateWatcher.Com where he blogs about internet marketing, top affiliate programs and making money on the internet in general. The new or beginning online entrepreneur can find a host of resources to help them get started blogging and making money online, including the a list of make quick cash on the Internet.

An Brief Introduction to RSS Feeds

Have you ever found yourself surfing the Internet and thinking that you are just spending too much time on all of the sites you visit regularly? What if there were a way to visit several sites at the same time? Well there is a way, sort of. Instead of you going to every site, you can have them to come to you. How is this possible? This introduction to RSS feeds will show you how.

RSS, short for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, is a term used for Internet information feeds. These feeds are delivered automatically to the end user's computer through a reader, sometimes called an 'aggregator'. Readers (such as Google reader) are free and you may already have an RSS reader as part of your browser. Alternatively you can download a reader to use on your desktop. Once you have your RSS reader set up you simply find websites that offer a feed and subscribe to those you are interested in.

A feed is delivered whenever the site you are subscribed to makes a notification that an update has been made. In other words you can 'read' the 'feed' after it is sent out. These feeds make it easy to gather information from many different sources and have them automatically sent to one place - your feed reader. Once you have subscribed, the rest is automatic, which means you do not have to go to numerous sites to see if they have made any updates.

However, not all feeds are created equal. Some will only give you a summary of the update, forcing you to visit the site if you want to read the item in full. But, this still saves time as you can decide which updates merit a visit. Full-length feeds are also available. Neither is necessarily better than the other, but it is good to be aware of the differences. Also, feed readers may have settings that allow you to set how many characters you wish to read from any feed - summary or full-length.

Look for an RSS, or "Subscribe to our feed" button on the sites you tend to visit regularly. Click the button and enter any information asked for to start getting updates. Imagine being able to get updates from your favorite news sites, blogs, forums and other sites all in one place; and once installed each feed's subscription updates automatically.

Once you start using RSS feeds you will wonder why you wasted so much time trying to keep up. It's not visiting all of those separate sites that was a complete waste of time, but rather checking them only to find no updates had been made. RSS solves that problem and does it in a simple-to-use way. Now, instead of visiting every site, you can decide which ones you want to visit based on their feed. Unfortunately, not every site offers feeds, but as they keep gaining in popularity, more and more will offer them.

There are many benefits to to using RSS feeds and if you are interested in finding out more you can visit Web Business Architecture

RSS For Web Business Opportunities

In the past, some people made a lot of money with Google AdSense with the following technique. They'd build a gigantic number of sites and pages around niche keywords, with no content of any value or even gibberish. AdSense links were featured on the sites and were the reason for the sites' existence. AdSense links were the main, genuine content for these sites. And, as it turns out, sites with little or no genuine content achieved a higher click-thru rate on the AdSense links than sites that had good content.

It's a horrible thought, but It makes sense. On the bad sites, the AdSense links represented something of value to the niche visitor seeking something related to his or her interest. On the good, high value site, a visitor doesn't want to click to elsewhere and leave via AdSense links. The visitor want to stay there with the good content.

Eventually, citing "quality," Google closed the accounts of people who presented AdSense links on such valueless pages. When you use search engines, it's nice now to have less pure noise on the web, although, as it is with any medium, quality can still be an issue. Now, when you enter a term in a search engine the top 10 links returned are far more likely to have something related to your search term rather than an endless chain of links from directories, search engines and social bookmarks leading to more directories, search engines and social bookmarks. It is less likely, but it still happens.

This means that the best alternative for folks wanting to try some kind of internet publishing business, earning revenue for advertising is to offer genuine content of some sort. And best of all, you can do this by being a selective focal point for content that a lot of other people create and that they make available via article directories and via RSS (Really Simple Syndication.) After all, that is what newspaper, magazine and publishers do. They select and publish material created by other people. And that's what the TV networks, cable operators and TV stations usually do. They select and make available material that someone else creates.

So when it comes to using RSS in your own web efforts, think about it. In some ways, it follows a model that all media industries have used for generations. You do not have to create your own, brand new content to create value - but you can and will provide value in your ability to select and aggregate appropriately focused materials for targeted audiences that would like to get more of it in one place. And then, there is the seed of a business model - a very old and traditional business model - whereby you profit from advertising, such as AdSense, that what you both receive and propigate content by using RSS.

Additionally, though there is little awareness of this fact, you can use RSS and the RSS aggregators to increase your organic search engine rankings through backlinks (actively passed on through RSS) and other amazing RSS techniques for promotion and creating power for your revenue generating, advertising or affiliate sites.

There is a lot of material available on the web on the technical side of RSS - how to make it work. However, there is very little information available on how to use RSS to get promote your web business. If you are serious, you should learn what you can about the how to use RSS to get a great many backlinks, dominate the first pages of the search engines for your terms and succeed from all the targeted, low cost traffic.

Written by Alexander Gray. If you want to learn more about the amazing power of RSS in SEO to put you high in the search engines, and how to automate such processes, visit

RSS Fundamentals

The full-form of RSS is Rich Site Summary. It is a specific web format used to deliver dynamic web content changing on a regular basis. The sites such as weblogs, news-based sites and internet publishers which are updated on a regular basis primarily offer the benefit of RSS feed by syndicating the content to the readers who want to keep themselves updated.

The Advantages of Using RSS

The primary benefit of using RSS is of course saving a decent amount of time. It is especially beneficial for people who use Internet on a regular basis. RSS allows the readers to stay informed on an easy way, while retrieving the newest content from the particular website in which they are particularly interested.

When you are taking the benefit of RSS of any site, you don't really need to bother about visiting the site individually. It may not be a very comfortable experience always to get subscribed to the newsletter of any site, since it increases the risk of getting unsolicited emails from third-party websites. But when you are with RSS feed, your privacy is secured.

What to Do to Read a RSS Feed

Both News Aggregator and Feed Reader allow you to read RSS Feed from other websites. In fact, there are number of Feed readers available out there for different platforms. Here are the names of few popular feed readers: Amphetadesk available in Windows, Mac and Linux platform, FeedReader in Windows platform and NewsGator in Windows platform. The last one is also integrated with Outlook Express.

Apart from these software, there are some popular web based feed readers as well. These are Google Reader, Bloglines and My Yahoo. Once you have your feed reader ready, all you need to do is to syndicate content from the sites offering their RSS feed. Once you have found, the next job is to add those RSS feed your feed readers and stay updated.

If you would like to find more on RSS and the Advantages of RSS.

Build Your List With RSS

With all of the different methods available today for getting traffic to your blog or your website some work better than others. and lets face it in order to succeed you need to build your list. As you probably know one thing that is very important is getting targeted traffic while building your list. One of the best list building methods available today to drive " targeted traffic" to your website is with an RSS feed. Not only is this great for bringing in traffic but it is an awesome way to build your list.

Now what is an RSS feed? It is a way for the subscribers to your blog to have access to your information as it is updated. As people are signing up for your RSS feed you are building your list. One thing most people want today is to be in control. An RSS feed gives them that control as you build your list and the nice part about this method is the people that sign up for your feed know that your building your list and they do not care as long as you do not bombard them with email adds all of the time. This will generate repeat traffic as well as building your list for you.

One thing you have to be careful of if you want to build your list and take advantage of this repeat traffic is to constantly provide interesting and relevant information to your blog. If your subscribers do not find information of interest or relevance they will Unsubscribe. This will undo all of your list building efforts.

It is important when building your list that you maintain a good solid relationship with your subscribers. Building your list with this method just like any other list building method can easily come undone if you fail to do that. Do not make the mistake that so many other marketers make when it comes to list building. What is that list building mistake you ask? It is quite simply this, most marketers hear the same mantra over and over again the money is in the list. If you want to succeed you have to build your list. so they throw up a lead capture page and when someone signs up for that free report, e course etc. they turn around and start slamming their list with buy this and buy that. They never from that point forward provide anything of any real value. That is no way to build your list.

With all of the traffic generation methods available, the RSS feed is one of the easiest and most reliable methods of bringing targeted traffic to your blog while building your list. And the best thing about RSS traffic is that you set it up one time on your blog and you have to do nothing except ensure that you continue to post pertinent and relevant information so that your subscribers will continue to come back. When people find something good they tell their friends and so they come and your list building continues to get better and the best thing about this form of traffic generation is that it is 100% Free.

What kind of blog should you create? well you could create one on list building for example. but that is a tough niche to break into. If you don't believe me Google list building as I write this article there are 33,000,000 yes that is 33 Million listings for list building. Now Google build your list, that is a little better at 15,600,000 listings but still a tough market. Ok now Google building your list. that is 18,600,000.

If you want to build your list you should start a blog on something that you know something about and does not have to much competition. Do you know something about Chinchillas? if so start a blog on that you could build your list from that. building your list is not that hard if you provide value to your list.

I have been working in the internet marketing arena for quite some time now and here is a resource that sure helps me.

Why an RSS Feed is Better Than Email Marketing

Do you blog on a consistent basis? If you do you stand an excellent chance to build a following by giving people the opportunity to subscribe to your RSS feed. In this article we will take a look at why an RSS feed is better than email marketing, and how you can make you a lot of money in the future with it.

An RSS feed is where you will update digital content with your blog. The feed itself will be delivered directly to all subscribers without being filtered.

This is one of biggest benefits of having an RSS feed versus an email marketing list. You always run the risk that your email will not get delivered to your list due to spam filters. The other thing is it is automatically done every time you post with a blog as opposed to having to go to your autoresponder and create a separate email message.

Today visitors come to a blog expecting to be entertained. If you have a quality blog it will make sense that they want to subscribe to your RSS feed, so they do know whenever you are adding content to it.

The number one benefit of an RSS feed is that you can keep in contact with your visitors easily. It is a great create repeat visitors, as you can see.

Today blogging is more interactive than anytime in the past. You want your visitors posting comments on your blog post!

You want them listening to an audio or watching the video as well. You can even create contests and let them participate or vote in polls to get their opinion on things. This is ways that blogging has become more interactive.

This brings them back in the way that you let them know when you have updated your blog through your RSS feed. This makes the whole experience beneficial both to your reader and to you.

We should also mention that people can receive your RSS feed in other ways besides just her blog. These can include article feeds, which many internet marketers will use to help keep content to their own blog or ezines up to date web.

As you can see an RSS feed offers many benefits over traditional email marketing. If you like to blog, and are doing it on a consistent basis, you stand excellent chance of building loyal readers and making more money in the future because of it.

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RSS Feed Secrets That You Need to Know to Drive Waves of Visitors to Your Website!

It is known to all the internet marketers, websites owners and bloggers that it is very important to add new and fresh content in their web space to increase the traffic and to attract new surfers on regular basis. Real Simple Syndication or RSS is a very important tool for updating and handling this all by its own and very simple as the name suggests.

It is very important to know what RSS feeds is all about and what good it can do to your website. Once the answer to this is available and you feel you need RSS feed then find a standard RSS feed and install it in your website. After adding RSS feed one can just late back and relax in terms of adding new and fresh data to the website or the blog as by the time one comes to know of the latest update on their favorite topics, it is already there.

RSS is one of the most important tools a website should have as it also facilitates pod casting which is in great demand in market today. Moreover, RSS feeds increases the internet traffic to your website but it is not necessary that people may like your website but they might join your RSS for latest updates.

Installing RSS feed is very easy and to format the same is important as this is the place where RSS feed secret lies. RSS feed should also blend with the website decorum.

RSS feed secret lies in knowing what RSS is all about and the ways to use it in a proper manner. Knowing where to keep the feed also is a significant factor.

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How to Get the Most Out of RSS Feeds

Feeds, feeds, everywhere, feeds! We hear so much about them, but what are they? A feed is simply a stream of content that originates from a designated place. Think of your parents (when you were growing up) as a feed for wisdom. Or think of your favorite television show "feeding" you entertainment every week. A feed on the Internet has a similar function, and publishers and users are infatuated with what feeds have to offer. The most popular type of feeds are called RSS feeds, or Really Simple Syndication.

An RSS feed is basically a way for you to tune into your favorite content on a daily basis. When your favorite blogger writes a new post...BOOM! have it right in front of you. It is best to organize all of your feeds into readers. Readers are built to hold all of your feeds so you can check in and read something when it happens. Most bloggers have feeds available, all you have to do is find the little orange icon and click it. You will then have the option of putting the feed in your reader, or into your bookmarks toolbar.

There are a few ways to get the most out of your feeds. One way is to limit the amount of feeds you actually have. You may be thinking, "Why can I not have as many feeds as I want?" Well, you can, but trust me, unless you have 20 hours to spend on the computer everyday, you will never read ALL of your feeds. I find it better to limit my feeds to a more practical number; somewhere in the 40-50 range. There is an exception to this rule, however, if you subscribe to a blog that does not produce information on a daily or ever weekly basis, then you can load up on those because you wont be forced to read there content every single day. There are bloggers that post at least once, if not two or three times a day, just imagine if you had one hundred of those in your reader everyday!

If you are a publisher, the best way to get the most out of your feed is to go through FeedBurner, or a similar service. This is a service for bloggers and content writers that allows them to blast there content all over the Internet by submitting their blogs into FeedBurner. The service has many free tools that bloggers can use to get their content to as many people as possible.

To learn more about the benefits of RSS and RSS marketing you can visit Web Business Architecture.

What is RSS? - Syndicate Your Blog Content

A Blog feed allows "Feed readers" to access a site automatically looking for new content. Syndicating your blog via an RSS feed is a great way of allowing your readership access to all new posts from your blog without them having to keep visiting your blog.

Most people today use RSS feed readers to keep up with syndicated content from their favourite blogs, so if you don't syndicate your blog via an RSS feed, you are depriving yourself of a huge proportion of readers.

What Is An RSS Feed?

An RSS feed allows easy online content distribution. RSS feeds can be read as plain text files, but they're designed to be read via an RSS Feed Reader. Numerous RSS feed readers exist. Readers vary from being standalone applications to being online based.

How To Publish Your Blog Feed?

If you are using WordPress as your blogging platform then you are in luck. WordPress has inbuilt RSS feed functionality so you are most likely already syndicating your posts via RSS without even
knowing it. If you are using some other platform which does not automatically publish an RSS feed, you will have to look for an appropriate plugin to use for this purpose.

You can view your WordPress RSS feed by navigating to yourdomainname/blog/feed or yourdomainname/feed (depending on the exact location of your blog).

What is a Feed Burner?

A Feed burner provides services that allow RSS publishers who already have an RSS feed to expand on the features provided by their basic feed by "Burning" their feed. "Burning" your feed with a Feed Burner provides the following benefits:

* Allows you to view detailed stats as your blog feed is read.
* Allows your readers to easily subscribe to your feed no matter what feed reader they are using.
* Allows you to format your RSS feed for all directories and readers and gives you options of further customizing your feed by for example adding ads to your feed.
* Allows you to easily display your Feedburner stats including your subscription count via a simple widget.

There are numerous feed burners that you can find by doing a simple search for "feed burners".

Why Burn A Feed?

That is a very logical question that you might be asking yourself right now. What's the point of burning your feed? Why not just leave it as yourdomainname/feed?

There is a very simple yet important answer to this question. When you publish a new post to your blog, it gets published to your feed. If you have many readers subscribed to your RSS feed and you have not burned your feed, your readers will be reading your feed directly from your webhost. You run a big risk of slowing your server down if a lot of readers access your feed at the same time. A feed burner takes on its shoulders the task of taking your RSS feed and serving it to the tens of thousands of people and applications that subscribe to it so that your server performance does not suffer.

John Motson runs a domain name forum, domain name blog and has authored the popular domain name book Domaining Manifesto.

Home Business Marketing - Using an RSS Aggregator, Web Based Or Desktop?

In home business marketing efforts many people use RSS feeds online to help them get postings from their favorite websites or to get traffic to their own business online. RSS is also known as Really Simple Syndication and is becoming very popular all over the internet. Most people know what an RSS feed is but do you know what an RSS aggregator is? Most people don't have a clue what this but if you are going to be using RSS then you need to know about this.

There are two different types of aggregators that you need to know about. The first RSS aggregator is a downloadable program that you can put on your desktop. The second type is web based or on the internet. The downloadable type will usually requires a small fee for you to use it. This type is the most popular because you will get regular updates such as upgrades or patches for the original version, plus it allows more customization for your RSS feeds, page format or design. The web based type doesn't allow this, though with the web based ones you won't have the fee either.

To use the web based RSS aggregator you will only need to register with them to start using their services. You can do a little bit of customization with some of the web based programs but it is limited most times. Some of these services won't allow any customization. So, you need to take all of this into consideration when you are trying to figure out the best one for you to use.

Now, that you know what an RSS aggregator is and how it works, you need to take some time to look at the two different types so you can decide what to use. There are many different aggregators that you can use to read your RSS feed but you have to take time to research them to make sure you are using the one that is the best for you in your home business marketing plan.

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David Ogden is an established online marketer who specializes in practical website resources and advice.

RSS For Beginners

If information overload isn't a concern and you are finding surfing all your sites slow and laborious, then RSS may be what you need. I don't know about you, but my Favourites list is extensive. Even with fine tuning, it can take quite a while to get my information fix. When time or patience is limited then RSS can save the day. RSS is popularly believed to stand for Really Simple Syndication. It is an XML protocol that can publish frequently updated web content to a reader or aggregator.

According to Wikipedia; 'RSS is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines, and podcasts in a standardized format. An RSS document (which is called a "feed," "web feed," or "channel") contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with web sites in an automated manner that can be piped into special programs or filtered displays.' The web content that RSS collects is called a feed. This feed is advertised by the website that published it and RSS readers pick it up and display it to the user. Once a website has been updated, an XML file is created which contains the main URL and a set of links for the newly published content. Each link will contain a title, the link, and a brief description. The RSS reader downloads this file and shows it in the reader to the user to browse. It will display the information contained in the brief description and a link to the actual page.

The RSS reader continually scans the websites for changes in this XML file and updates appropriately. I use Netvibes to show all my RSS Feeds, but there are plenty of other readers to choose from such as Bloglines or GoogleReader. There are desktop versions such as FeedReader or FeedDemon. Personally I prefer to use web based readers, so I can access them anywhere, but the choice is yours... I will briefly cover using Bloglines and FeedReader to give you an idea of how they work. Bloglines Bloglines is the web based reader that I used to use before consolidating into NetVibes. It is a clean and easy application to use, and reading and adding feeds is easy. Once you set up an account and sorted your preferences you are ready to go. The site will suggest some feeds to get you started, feel free to ignore them if they don't interest you. A feed URL is slightly different to a normal one.

The format will be something like; You can click on the RSS icon and Bloglines should pick up the request and ask you if you want to subscribe to the feed using it. Once subscribed, it will appear on the left of the screen under the Feeds tab. The feeds themselves will appear on the right. Clicking on the headline will take you to the site hosting the page. FeedReader This is a desktop application that does a similar thing to Bloglines. The main difference being that this one is hosted on your machine. It's free and open source and is easy and intuitive to use. Once installed it looks like a simplified version of Bloglines. Your feeds are displayed on the left and the posts on the right. The unread ones are shown in bold. Once you click on a post it will bring up the description text and the link to the site. There is a big 'Add Feed' button that should really speak for itself. Click on it and add the feed address and let it go and update. The program will run in the background and update each hour so you will always be up to date.

What Does RSS Stand For and What is RSS?

RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication'. This involves republishing articles that are on another blog or website. It is an excellent way to notify others of updates to a web site or blog. RSS feeds sometimes show a post title and link back to the post. You simply select the title, click the link and are sent to the web page containing the article you want to view.

This is an excellent alternative to email. Spamming is avoided and you receive the latest updates from sources you have subscribed to. This cuts down on the amount of time you have to surf the net searching for information. The information is delivered to you instead.

If you work online, or have an online business, RSS feed are an excellent tool to help market your products or services. There is no need to risk being accused of sending spam emails because of the way people subscribe to RSS feeds. The fact that people subscribe to RSS feeds also means they are highly targeted visitors, who are interested in what your blog or web site offers. Each time your blog or website gets updates, subscribers are sent this update.

To get more information and different opinions, its a good idea to subscribe to a number of RSS feeds from different sources for a particular topic, This can give a better idea of what the current developments are for a particular area of interest. RSS feed technology was not initially developed as a marketing tool, but it is now being used as an effective and efficient way to attract and communicate with online visitors.

To your success,

Shane Connolly

If you would like to find out more about internet marketing tools and resources visit

Home Based Business Marketing - How Can an RSS Blog Help You Get More Traffic to Your Business?

Anyone involved in home based business marketing has heard of a blog and an RSS feed because these two things are becoming more popular all the time. Both of these things can help you get traffic to your business, which will help you make money. So, do you know how an RSS blog can help you get that traffic? This is very important to know, especially if you have an online business.

When you make a post on your blog, your RSS feed will automatically be updated. This will allow the people that are subscribed to your RSS blog see your new posts right after they are added. This is a good way to get many people to revisit your blog. Many people will find a blog that they like and will subscribe to the RSS feed so they will be alerted when you have added a new post. This is a powerful tool to get repeat customers.

Another way that an RSS blog can help you in your home based business marketing is because there are times that other people don't have their own feed so they will look for someone else's that they can use on their site for informational purposes. This will help you because if someone chooses your RSS feed then you will be getting traffic from this other person's website.

When you have a blog and you add a new post, you will be able to ping different directories to let them know that there is new information. At the same time you can also do this with your RSS feed. You want to add your feed to different directories that are just for RSS. This will definitely help you get more traffic to your website. You just need to spend some time looking for these directories and start a list so you can use it whenever you need to.

These are just a few of the different ways that an RSS blog can help you get traffic for your home based business marketing. There are others that you need to learn about and you can easily do this with just a little bit of research. If you are a business owner than you need to definitely learn all you can about RSS feed and blogs because this can be a very powerful business tool for any internet business owner. Plus, with it rising in popularity you will definitely be able to use it to get traffic to your business, which will help you make money also.

Want to make money online now?
Sign up for our FREE Internet Business Training Program and learn more about Home Based Business Marketing to help you become a successful work at home professional!
David Ogden is an established online marketer who specializes in practical website resources and advice.

How Does an RSS Reader Work?

RSS feeds are an excellent way to keep up to date on the latest information from other bloggers and website owners. Thanks to the technology available through really simple syndication you can now keep current on what's going on from some of your favorite websites. This is made possible because of an RSS reader and we are going to look a little closer at how this technology works.

First of all you should have an RSS subscribe button on your blog where people can quickly find it. This makes it very easy for them to be notified whenever you make an update to your blog.

The way you are able to read blog updates is through a software tool called an RSS reader. It's also referred to as all an RSS aggregator, and it scans the web looking for the latest postings based on RSS code.

Depending on the type of reader that you are using whenever it finds a new posting, or some sort of an update it will publish the RSS feed on your home page where you can click on it to read more.

There are two types of RSS readers. There is the online web based type and there is a downloadable program for your desktop. With the desktop version you are usually charged a certain amount to use this service.

Most web based aggregators do not charge anything. You just register and create an account with them so you can start using their services. As with anything that is free there is not a lot of customization that you can do with it.

As a blogger or Internet marketer RSS feeds are a great way for you to build up a subscriber base of readers. As a matter of fact they offer many benefits that you cannot traditionally get with email marketing.

For one thing, with RSS feeds you do not have to worry about deliverability problems due to spamming. Depending on the autoresponder that you have been using for your email marketing campaigns getting your message through to your subscriber base is hard to do.

That problem goes away for people who subscribe to your feed and use an RSS reader. They will be notified instantly whenever you make a blog post update, which allows you to not worry about whether people are being kept up to date on your business or not.

Of course for this to work you need to blog a consistent basis and offer useful information so people will want to read what you have to say.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Using RSS Aggregators For Search Engine Rankings

How could it be possible for almost anyone to get a blog, web pages, affiliate site or other website into the first pages of the search engines? It's possible through the power of "RSS," which stands for "Really Simple Syndication."

As a practical matter, RSS works something like you've seen with television between networks and local television stations - and also between "syndicators" and local stations and/or cable outlets. Here the networks broadcast their programs and advertising through hundreds and hundreds of affiliated local station "feeds" in order to reach the mass audience all over the country (or the world.) The television syndicators use the same model in feeding material to stations and cable operators.

On the web, Really Simple Syndication, RSS is a way of finding bits of content made available by others on the internet, that we are permitted to post on our own websites. And conversely, it is a method whereby you can offer whatever content you put out on the wab, and make it available to others to put on their websites to reach more and more eyeballs. If you have material of any sort coming out on the web at 10. 100 or 1000 different websites - or more - it stands a greater chance of being viewed by a larger overall audience than it can be found only on your own website, page or blog.

As of this writing, not many people have learned how take advantage of RSS for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), or are sharing that information. But if you understand that a primary use of RSS in SEO is to generate backlinks, then you will probably start to figure it out for yourself. Especially once you know that your links that come through RSS do not get published with "nofollow" tags that would stop the search engines from counting their value.

So, Let's stop and talk about RSS Aggregators for a moment. An RSS Aggregator is a website that displays your web content in RSS Feeds from your blogs and free sites - INCLUDING YOUR ACTIVE LINKS.

If you are careful not to abuse the capability, placing your RSS feeds across these aggregators can provide you with impressive rankings in the search engines. Best of all, the presence of these links will cause your brand new sites and pages to get indexed very quickly - often within hours!

The effectiveness of this technique lies in the fact that, using RSS and the aggregators, you will piggyback your posts and links therein on the very high authority and search rankings of the RSS Aggregators, themselves, rather than that of your own site!. Do you care whether a surfer finds your content because a search engine found and delivered a blurb and a link to it via the RSS Aggregator on the first page - or via your own site directly, which probably ranks much lower and can't be found at all?

When you use RSS aggregators to make your web material (and links) available to others, you indirectly receive the benefit of the aggregator's search engine ranking, instead of your own. This fact alone massively increases your content exposure in the search engines - irrespective of the fact that you are gaining backlinks to your own site that do not contain the nullifying "nofollow" tag and power for your own site.

In fact, using software products that help automate the process of posting to RSS Aggregators, you can take a feed from a brand new blog, along with some relevant tags, and get it indexed in Google in mere hours! It is very worth your while to learn more about using RSS to improve your search engine rankings. Best of all, it's a technique than can cost little to nothing!

Written by Alexander Gray. If you want to learn more about the amazing power of RSS in SEO to put you high in the search engines, and how to automate such processes, visit

RSS For Web Business Opportunities

In the past, some people made a lot of money with Google AdSense with the following technique. They'd build a gigantic number of sites and pages around niche keywords, with no content of any value or even gibberish. AdSense links were featured on the sites and were the reason for the sites' existence. AdSense links were the main, genuine content for these sites. And, as it turns out, sites with little or no genuine content achieved a higher click-thru rate on the AdSense links than sites that had good content.

It's a horrible thought, but It makes sense. On the bad sites, the AdSense links represented something of value to the niche visitor seeking something related to his or her interest. On the good, high value site, a visitor doesn't want to click to elsewhere and leave via AdSense links. The visitor want to stay there with the good content.

Eventually, citing "quality," Google closed the accounts of people who presented AdSense links on such valueless pages. When you use search engines, it's nice now to have less pure noise on the web, although, as it is with any medium, quality can still be an issue. Now, when you enter a term in a search engine the top 10 links returned are far more likely to have something related to your search term rather than an endless chain of links from directories, search engines and social bookmarks leading to more directories, search engines and social bookmarks. It is less likely, but it still happens.

This means that the best alternative for folks wanting to try some kind of internet publishing business, earning revenue for advertising is to offer genuine content of some sort. And best of all, you can do this by being a selective focal point for content that a lot of other people create and that they make available via article directories and via RSS (Really Simple Syndication.) After all, that is what newspaper, magazine and publishers do. They select and publish material created by other people. And that's what the TV networks, cable operators and TV stations usually do. They select and make available material that someone else creates.

So when it comes to using RSS in your own web efforts, think about it. In some ways, it follows a model that all media industries have used for generations. You do not have to create your own, brand new content to create value - but you can and will provide value in your ability to select and aggregate appropriately focused materials for targeted audiences that would like to get more of it in one place. And then, there is the seed of a business model - a very old and traditional business model - whereby you profit from advertising, such as AdSense, that what you both receive and propigate content by using RSS.

Additionally, though there is little awareness of this fact, you can use RSS and the RSS aggregators to increase your organic search engine rankings through backlinks (actively passed on through RSS) and other amazing RSS techniques for promotion and creating power for your revenue generating, advertising or affiliate sites.

There is a lot of material available on the web on the technical side of RSS - how to make it work. However, there is very little information available on how to use RSS to get promote your web business. If you are serious, you should learn what you can about the how to use RSS to get a great many backlinks, dominate the first pages of the search engines for your terms and succeed from all the targeted, low cost traffic.

Written by Alexander Gray. If you want to learn more about the amazing power of RSS in SEO to put you high in the search engines, and how to automate such processes, visit

RSS For Great SEO

Would you believe that it is possible for almost anyone to get their blog, web pages, affiliate site or other website materials into the first pages of the search engines, including the big "G" ! Not likely, you are apt to say. Well, hold on to your hat. We have information for you that can blow the lid completely off what you thought was possible or rather, not possible, on the web.

You've probably heard of "RSS," which stands for "Really Simple Syndication." It's works sort of like the local television stations and the networks, where the networks broadcast their programs and advertising through hundreds and hundreds of affiliated local station "feeds" in order to reach the mass audience all over the country (or the world.)

In the context of the web, we usually think of syndication (or Really Simple Syndication) as a way of finding bits of content made available by others on the internet, that we are permitted to post on our own websites. And conversely, it is a method whereby you can offer whatever content you put out on the wab, and make it available to others to put on their website to reach more and more eyeballs. Certainly, if some of your material - whatever kind of content - is available at 10. 100 or 1000 websites, it stands a better chance of being viewed by a larger overall audience than if it is available only on your own "local" website, blog or webpage, no matter how much you try to promote that website.

So RSS is great for getting more content on a given subject to add to your own content or other material on your website or blog - to build it up and make it more valuable for your audience. And it's great for pushing your content out there to an ever larger audience. For these reasons, RSS started becoming a real factor on the internet between two and three years ago, and now it is really growing.

But you would be right to ask, "So how can I use RSS to help get me a higher ranking in the search engines? Well, as of this writing, not many people have learned how take advantage of RSS for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But the key use of RSS in SEO is to generate backlinks, and the best kind for the search engines: one-way backlinks. Furthermore by using RSS, we can get these backlinks from websites that score very higihly with the search engines by a metric which they refer to as "Authority."

A technique that is pretty well known for getting backlinks and therefore better search engine rankng is to post or in some other way, get links to your materials by using the Social Bookmarking websites, Video Directories, Article Websites, Free hosts and Free Blog Hosts such as Blogger and WordPress. And if you have tried any SEO efforts, then you may have accounts with these sites.
But,. as you may have discovered, many such sites now embed something called a "no-follow" tag in your material posted on their sites, essentially making it so that the search engines do not see, and do not count links to your material found there in their ranking calculations.

However, do you know that the majority of such sites offer RSS Feeds associated with your accounts? And do you know that most of the same mateiral found on the social sites that gets picked up through RSS and published all around - including the material with your links - does not does carry any nofollow tags. That means that wherever and whenever these links appear, they do count in the search engine rankngs!

If that notion has started to get your wheel's turning, then you are starting to get the picture. Now, if you search the web, you can find lots of material on the technical aspects of RSS. That is, how to publish via RSS and how to get material to read or republish via RSS. But you won't find much material yet on how to use RSS yourself for improving your rankings in the search engines - for professional, artistic, political, commercial or other purposes.

Chances are, if you are reading this article, then you are interested in the commerical application of RSS to get better search engine rankings, generate more traffic, get more clicks, sales, etc. But all these techniques apply just as well to marketing for any purpose - where you are trying to get more of something in front of more audience for - whatever reason.

If you are seriously interested in using RSS to greatly increase your effectiveness on the web, then you will probably benefit exploring both available techniques and available software to help automate and these techniques and make them easier to implement. If so, it is well worth your while to learn more about your while to learn more about using RSS to improve your search engine rankings. And, in the biggest surprise of all, it's a technique than can cost little to nothing!

Written by Alexander Gray. If you want to learn more about the amazing power of RSS in SEO to put you high in the search engines, and how to automate such processes, visit

Article Source: Would you believe that it is possible for almost anyone to get their blog, web pages, affiliate site or other website materials into the first pages of the search engines, including the big "G" ! Not likely, you are apt to say. Well, hold on to your hat. We have information for you that can blow the lid completely off what you thought was possible or rather, not possible, on the web.

You've probably heard of "RSS," which stands for "Really Simple Syndication." It's works sort of like the local television stations and the networks, where the networks broadcast their programs and advertising through hundreds and hundreds of affiliated local station "feeds" in order to reach the mass audience all over the country (or the world.)

In the context of the web, we usually think of syndication (or Really Simple Syndication) as a way of finding bits of content made available by others on the internet, that we are permitted to post on our own websites. And conversely, it is a method whereby you can offer whatever content you put out on the wab, and make it available to others to put on their website to reach more and more eyeballs. Certainly, if some of your material - whatever kind of content - is available at 10. 100 or 1000 websites, it stands a better chance of being viewed by a larger overall audience than if it is available only on your own "local" website, blog or webpage, no matter how much you try to promote that website.

So RSS is great for getting more content on a given subject to add to your own content or other material on your website or blog - to build it up and make it more valuable for your audience. And it's great for pushing your content out there to an ever larger audience. For these reasons, RSS started becoming a real factor on the internet between two and three years ago, and now it is really growing.

But you would be right to ask, "So how can I use RSS to help get me a higher ranking in the search engines? Well, as of this writing, not many people have learned how take advantage of RSS for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But the key use of RSS in SEO is to generate backlinks, and the best kind for the search engines: one-way backlinks. Furthermore by using RSS, we can get these backlinks from websites that score very higihly with the search engines by a metric which they refer to as "Authority."

A technique that is pretty well known for getting backlinks and therefore better search engine rankng is to post or in some other way, get links to your materials by using the Social Bookmarking websites, Video Directories, Article Websites, Free hosts and Free Blog Hosts such as Blogger and WordPress. And if you have tried any SEO efforts, then you may have accounts with these sites.
But,. as you may have discovered, many such sites now embed something called a "no-follow" tag in your material posted on their sites, essentially making it so that the search engines do not see, and do not count links to your material found there in their ranking calculations.

However, do you know that the majority of such sites offer RSS Feeds associated with your accounts? And do you know that most of the same mateiral found on the social sites that gets picked up through RSS and published all around - including the material with your links - does not does carry any nofollow tags. That means that wherever and whenever these links appear, they do count in the search engine rankngs!

If that notion has started to get your wheel's turning, then you are starting to get the picture. Now, if you search the web, you can find lots of material on the technical aspects of RSS. That is, how to publish via RSS and how to get material to read or republish via RSS. But you won't find much material yet on how to use RSS yourself for improving your rankings in the search engines - for professional, artistic, political, commercial or other purposes.

Chances are, if you are reading this article, then you are interested in the commerical application of RSS to get better search engine rankings, generate more traffic, get more clicks, sales, etc. But all these techniques apply just as well to marketing for any purpose - where you are trying to get more of something in front of more audience for - whatever reason.

If you are seriously interested in using RSS to greatly increase your effectiveness on the web, then you will probably benefit exploring both available techniques and available software to help automate and these techniques and make them easier to implement. If so, it is well worth your while to learn more about your while to learn more about using RSS to improve your search engine rankings. And, in the biggest surprise of all, it's a technique than can cost little to nothing!

Written by Alexander Gray. If you want to learn more about the amazing power of RSS in SEO to put you high in the search engines, and how to automate such processes, visit

What is RSS? What Does it Contribute to Internet Marketing?

When you visit a site, you may have seen either one of these two buttons, the RSS or the XML button. These buttons represent the RSS feed of the website and written in the internet coding language known as XML. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It may also referred to as Rich Site Summary or Real-time Simple Syndication. But they only mean one thing. RSS feed shows the latest headline for a website or a weblog or could be a format for delivering regularly web content changes.

RSS is used to easily give out lists of headlines, notices or any updated content such as blog entries or could be podcasts in a standardized format. RSS feed may contain a summary of content or the full text of documents. It could also be a simple title describing the item along with a more complete description and there is a link that will direct you to the webpage with the actual information being described. It is a list presented in order from the newest to the oldest. In the simplest manner, RSS can also be used to notify customers of new products in store, weather and other alerts of changing conditions, notification of additions in products offered and other short notices about what's going on a particular website.

Why use RSS? How can it help your online business or to people searching searching for their specific needs? Well, for most people who has a favorite site already and repeatedly checking its changes can be very tedious. Changes made on content by website providers are on a predictable schedule also so avid visitors would want to get updated by the changes. Previously, notifications were sent through emails, however, when you receive email notifications from multiple websites, they are usually disorganized and can get overwhelming, and are often mistaken for spam. And so RSS is a better way to be notified of changes because the messages are presented well organized. They just go directly to someone's computer or online feed reader once he or she subscribed to the website's feed and rest assured that he or she can see it.

Now, many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS feed to whoever wants it. If you own a website or business online, RSS feeds can provide you a more efficient way to deliver newsletters to subscribers and possibly can increase number of subscribers and generate more sales too.. You ensure people's privacy and with this, people would like it better than joining the site's email newsletter. That's why number of sites offering RSS feeds is growing rapidly. Once people have subscribed to your RSS feed, they will be constantly reminded of your website or blog and so be encouraged to visit more often. Also when you use RSS on your website, it can pull rich content from external sites into your own as well as publish content in an easy to read format for external sites and applications to use.

The content you published can attract visitors you wouldn't have had if you didn't use RSS - this can lead to sales as a direct result of using RSS on your website. Producing an RSS feed is very simple and it works by having the website author maintain a list of notifications on their website in a standard way. This list of notifications is called "RSS Feed". Then the special computer programs that has been developed to automatically access the RSS feeds of websites will be the one to organize the results for you. This allows users to view all the new content from multiple sources in one location on their desktop for quick scanning. So users save time by not needing to visit each site individually. The success of using RSS has been proven by many websites and in fact big names in the business have been using it also.

Gwyn is a employee of DotComSecrets which teaches various internet marketing strategies to internet business owners.

Build Your List With RSS

With all of the different methods available today for getting traffic to your blog or your website some work better than others. and lets face it in order to succeed you need to build your list. As you probably know one thing that is very important is getting targeted traffic while building your list. One of the best list building methods available today to drive " targeted traffic" to your website is with an RSS feed. Not only is this great for bringing in traffic but it is an awesome way to build your list.

Now what is an RSS feed? It is a way for the subscribers to your blog to have access to your information as it is updated. As people are signing up for your RSS feed you are building your list. One thing most people want today is to be in control. An RSS feed gives them that control as you build your list and the nice part about this method is the people that sign up for your feed know that your building your list and they do not care as long as you do not bombard them with email adds all of the time. This will generate repeat traffic as well as building your list for you.

One thing you have to be careful of if you want to build your list and take advantage of this repeat traffic is to constantly provide interesting and relevant information to your blog. If your subscribers do not find information of interest or relevance they will Unsubscribe. This will undo all of your list building efforts.

It is important when building your list that you maintain a good solid relationship with your subscribers. Building your list with this method just like any other list building method can easily come undone if you fail to do that. Do not make the mistake that so many other marketers make when it comes to list building. What is that list building mistake you ask? It is quite simply this, most marketers hear the same mantra over and over again the money is in the list. If you want to succeed you have to build your list. so they throw up a lead capture page and when someone signs up for that free report, e course etc. they turn around and start slamming their list with buy this and buy that. They never from that point forward provide anything of any real value. That is no way to build your list.

With all of the traffic generation methods available, the RSS feed is one of the easiest and most reliable methods of bringing targeted traffic to your blog while building your list. And the best thing about RSS traffic is that you set it up one time on your blog and you have to do nothing except ensure that you continue to post pertinent and relevant information so that your subscribers will continue to come back. When people find something good they tell their friends and so they come and your list building continues to get better and the best thing about this form of traffic generation is that it is 100% Free.

What kind of blog should you create? well you could create one on list building for example. but that is a tough niche to break into. If you don't believe me Google list building as I write this article there are 33,000,000 yes that is 33 Million listings for list building. Now Google build your list, that is a little better at 15,600,000 listings but still a tough market. Ok now Google building your list. that is 18,600,000.

If you want to build your list you should start a blog on something that you know something about and does not have to much competition. Do you know something about Chinchillas? if so start a blog on that you could build your list from that. building your list is not that hard if you provide value to your list.

I have been working in the internet marketing arena for quite some time now and here is a resource that sure helps me.